Welcome to Hanoi Easy Rider
Ride exhilarating routes or off-road through stunning scenery, see all postcard panoramas and enjoy an unforgettable guided tour that has to be experienced to be believed.
What do I do and expect when I have an accident?
Vietnam can be a very strange country regarding how the accident is solved, just as the way people ride. The bigger usually pay i.e car drivers pay motorcyclists, motorcyclists pay cyclists etc. However, if you have an accident, first you have to talk with the other party (via our guide) to find out who has to pay and how much. If you don’t agree with each other, then we call the police and they will do their job (usually takes time) and you have to stay in Vietnam until they have the official report. Vietnamese people usually expect you to pay, even if you are right. Don’t be surprised and stay calm as our guide will help you to solve the situation.
If you purchased an insurance policy, and if you request we will contact the insurance company and ask them for instructions. You will need to pay us all phone calls in this case.