Welcome to Hanoi Easy Rider
Ride exhilarating routes or off-road through stunning scenery, see all postcard panoramas and enjoy an unforgettable guided tour that has to be experienced to be believed.
Guest comments
Ava Larkin From: Florida, USA
“Don’t think about it… Do it!” 5 of 5 stars Pending review For those of you interested in taking off for Vietnam and zooming around the countryside I beseech you to look no further than Jenny and Long at Hanoi Easy Rider. Motorcycle tour companies are a dime a dozen in Hanoi and, though I can’t comment on the quality of service provided by the others, I can guarantee that Jenny and Long will go out of their way to make sure your visit is unique and everything you’d desire it to be. You will undoubtedly find it difficult to locate a tour company that includes everything in their package. However, at Hanoi Easy Rider, they provide the following: ~Motorcycle/Scooter ~Gas ~Transportation to and from the airport ~Insurance ~Hotel/Guest House/ Homestay ~3 meals a day (trust me, the do not skimp! and if you want exotic, they will find it for you) ~1st round of drinks (beer, homemade wines such as snake, ginseng, etc) ~Vietnamese Coffee!!! (and lots of it!) ~Professional photography (so you can be in the picture, too)
Michele O'Brien From: Melbourne, Australia
Email: mob90@hotmail.com
I just got back from a 4 days trip to Bac Ha, Sapa and Tu Le and I had a ball!The landscape is stunning - huge glorious mountains that look like something out of the Hobbit, serene deep valleys, beautiful tribal ladies picking tea and cute kids playing by the side of the road mean there is always something amazing to look at. Tu was a safe and skillful driver, and also a great guide.
Toff Fon-Lowe From: 61 Normanby Road, Papakura, New Zea
Email: cfonlowe@gmail.com
After 3 weeks traveling around Vietnam by bus and train, we decided our last week would best be spent on a bike. It was the best decision we could possibly have made. We chose a 5 days trip through Ha Giang, taking in the beautiful Meo Vac and Dong Van, culminating in a visit to the 'North Pole' of Vietnam; on the Chinese border. We cannot recommend Hanoi Easyrider more highly.
Stephen McCloskey From: Southport, Merseyside, England
Email: sjm0875@yahoo.co.uk
What can i say? I have been following Hanoi Easyrider on Facebook for around 2 years, constantly asking questions, desperate to have a motorcycle road trip in Vietnam for over 20 years. I have just managed to have my dream come true, with a 6 day trip and it was absolutely wonderful! I left Hanoi with a Tour Guide, and returned with a very good friend.
Sabine, Karo and Karins From: Stuttgart
Email: sabine.kappel1988@googlemail.com
Our Hanoi visit with easy Riders was so much fun!! We only had 1 day in Hanoi and booked the trip 2 hours before start. Our 3 hosts and their awesome machines were totally fun! They showed us all around Hanoi and we even enjoyed the best fruit salat of the city. It is definitely an experience. We can recommend to everybody who is visiting Hanoi!!
Lorenzo e Lisa From: Emilia Romagna - Italy
Email: lorenzogiambi@gmail.com
Long e Jenny... che dire, è stata una bellissima esperienza. avevo organizzato il mio viaggio nel Nord del Vietnam focalizzando la mia attenzione sulla fotografia e sulle diverse etnie che il Vietnam settentrionale offre. Avevo chiesto loro una moto e qualche consiglio per ottimizzare i tempi. sono stati di una disponibilità unica, interessati al nostro viaggio, alla nostra salute.
Steven Hamilton From: 2 sheehan court dandenong north m
Email: stevenhamilton@bigpon.com
A friend and I travelled with easy rider on a 8 day adventure north of Hanoi it was the most amazing adventure everything was taken care of. We met the most amazing people and ate amazing food the whole experience was perfect an amazing adventure.
Sabrina From: London, United Kingdom
Email: sabrina_siddiqui@hotmail.co.uk
We travelled with Hanoi Easy Rider for 4 days Hanoi-Ha Giang-Dong Van-Meo Vac-Ba Be-Hanoi). This was by far the best experience we have had since our stay here. You will visit authentic places and see the most breathtaking scenery along the way, all on a motorbike! It is just exhilarating. The tour guides (Thuy and Long) really make sure that everything is okay throughout the stay with them. You will take regular stops on the way which gives an added ‘local’ experience as you sit and eat with local villagers and see their way of life. We really couldn’t have asked for a better experience. Will be coming back next year (hopefully) to do a ride South of Vietnam… Sab & Nunzia (sisters from the UK)
Cécilia From: France
Email: ceciliafouache@gmail.com
“The best way for discover the real Vietnam” Organisation parfaite, équipe excellente, endroits à couper le souffle... Voilà ce que vous propose Hanoi easyrider. D'endroits connus et magiques aux chemins les plus reculer vous pourrez découvrir le vrai Vietnam dans toute sa splendeur avec son histoire et ses légendes que les guides prennent plaisir a vous faire partager.
Gabin From: Normandie, France
Email: girardgabin@hotmail.fr
Hanoi easy rider est à mon avis l'un des meilleurs moyen de découvrir véritablement le vietnam, aussi bien par la visite des lieux touristiques que par la visite des endroits totalement inconnu du grand public (restaurants typiques, temples, paysages sublimes...). Ainsi nous vivons réellement à la "Vietnamienne", et la moto nous permet de profiter pleinement l'aventure.
Roberto palmieri From: Napoli, Italia
Email: roberto_palmieri@homtail.com
Ultima sera ad Hanoi. Ultimo giro di birre con i miei amici di Hanoi Easy Rider. Sono stanco e felice. Esattamente come deve essere al termine di un viaggio come questo. Nove giorni e quasi duemila chilometri nel Vietnam del nord durante i quali ho vissuto da vietnamita. Esperienza unica, intensa. Me ne torno in Italia con gli occhi pieni di meraviglie.
JChan From: Philippines
Email: jchantwit@gmail.com
The one day city tour was really fun. It is the best way to see and experience the city. The visit to the pottery village was also enjoyable. Easyriders can customized their tour for you just need to discuss it with them ahead of time. Very good and friendly people. Thanks a lot.